Forum | GENDER. Journal for Gender, Culture and Society was founded in 2009 as a journal on women and gender studies. It provides a forum for academic debate and discourse between academics and practitioners. From a regional perspective, the journal focuses primarily on the German-speaking areas, enabling specific analyses of the political, social and cultural spheres.
Multidisciplinary perspectives | The journal covers a broad range of social and cultural topics, addressing both socio-political issues on equality and justice as well as issues regarding the staging and cultural interpretation of gender. It gathers a wide range of academic disciplines in which women’s, men’s and gender issues are reflected.
Publication frequency | The journal is published three times per annum (in march, june and october), each with a thematic focus, and some 480 pages per year.
Peer Review | Contributions to the special issues and to the section for open contributions are double-blind peer reviewed.
Open Access | GENDER will be published in open access starting from issue 1/2023. All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. The published articles can be used free of charge under the conditions of the mentioned license. There is no exclusive copyright transfer to the journal or the publisher. No article processing charges or submission charges apply. The journal is documented in SOLIS (Social Science Literature Information System) and in SSOAR (Social Science Open Access Repository). Its archive issues are published in Open Access.
Ethics | Please note our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Submission and publication of contributions | Four contributions are published in the open part of each issue. Between 2017 and 2022, 108 articles (52 %) from a total of 207 submissions to the open part of GENDER were rejected. 51 contributions (25 %) were returned to the authors for preliminary revision before peer review. Normally, five contributions are published in the issue focus. A total of 418 abstracts were submitted for the issue focuses between 2017 and 2022. 226 (54 %) of these submissions were full papers. The average time between submission and publication of a contribution is about one to one and a half years.