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Gender, Technology and Politics 4.0

As early as 1985, Donna Haraway had referred in her Cyborg Manifesto to the emergence of a new technoscientific culture, the development of turbo-capitalism, and the resulting reorganization of the orders of knowledge and gender. Established sciences reacted only very hesitantly to these complex, interdisciplinary developments. In Germany, it is only in recent years that a broad interdisciplinary community of Science & Technology Studies has emerged, in which the focus of this issue provides an initial insight.

In addition, the journal provides analyses and debates on various topics. Using the example of Campaign #120db, the instrumentalization of feminist demands in right-wing discourses is worked out, an insight into the promotion of start-ups and equality at Swiss universities of applied sciences is given, labor law parental rights are analyzed from a heteronormativity-critical perspective, and an empirical study on the relationship between masculinity, feminization, and punitivity in pedagogical contexts concludes the Open Part.

As always, the issue is completed by four reviews of current gender studies publications.

Editors: Jutta Weber, Diana Lengersdorf

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